Tuesday, August 14, 2007

my own evil truth...

As my woman says,

"..shane is best served with a tall glass of silence."

Well, as far as I'm concerned, the gaps of time that exist in between the following posts will have to suffice as this requisite beverage.

I crave conversations yet I continue to find my 'no bullshit' attitude towards genuine and honest interaction actually limits how many I partake in with people in front of me.

" Who wants to have to defend themselves all the time? ", I'm asked often, or

"When I'm around you I feel like your judging everything I say..."

I'm NOT terribly sorry about this.
Call me crazy (a story for another time) but I have a great passion about upholding this virtually 'lost' measure of honesty in conversation. ( or was it ever there? ) I'm not prejudging, simply judging using my mind to make a rational and measured decision based on what information I gather.

Why is this so hard for people to accept?

I don't turn this 'filter' on or off. If I think what you're saying is bullshit I'd like you to tell me why you think I shouldn't think this. How could you want me to just roll over and accept it as truth without out further explanation? This I cannot do.

I feel that communication is wasted too often on bullshit niceties, I've witnessed entire existences shaped by these rote responses, devoid of thought and life, for years.

With the dawn of our information age at least I'll hopefully be able to find more like me, as the medium so beautifully invites, to converse with.

While at the very least providing me an outlet of words that are too often just cluttering my fiancee's world for no reason.

So thus begins my blog offering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am going to preface this first statement with a pre-first-statement announcing: So far, so good. But, if you really are serious about opening a true and thoughtful conversation online through the medium of the blog (ie. writing), you might want to be more attentive to spelling and grammar. Maybe, or maybe not. It’s your blog, you can decide if you prefer the rigidity of proper grammar and spelling, or if you’d rather just let it free flow. But, when you wrote “wrote,” it should have been rote (from Merriam Webster online: mechanical or unthinking routine or repetition). That annoyed me a little. All this, of course, in the spirit of “truthiness,” to quote Colbert.

I am fond of saying that I put my foot in my mouth often and only apologize when I am wrong. In all honesty, I believe that a little (or a lot) more honesty in daily life would do everyone some good. This idea that some hard truths should be skirted to maintain another’s feelings only prolongs the pain and almost always intensifies it when the truth does finally arrive. Annoying. That, and if a person cannot handle the truth, they might as well just hoist the white flag and crawl under a rock and let the world go on without them. The truth may not be behind every action, but it does lie in every consequence.

Anyway, rock on with the endeavor, I am excited to see more. By that, I mean the first real discussion. :)