Thursday, November 20, 2008

processing - flash integration amazing

i have been looking at for a while now and i've finally jumped in headfirst.


I am blown away at the "sketch" mentality of this language and it's sizzling performance.

Super cool, super fast prototyping will never be the same.

Being a flash developer by trade for many years, all i kept thinking was how do i get this into flash?...
well my questions were answered with a great post from

an as3 port i found created earlier this year is located here on googleCode.
It's an as3 api that allows for the inclusion of js files to be loaded into a swf container via javascript.
SUPA cool huh?

i've only scratched the surface of processing, which is still in beta after 4 years, yet i can't wait to keep working with it and i'm really excited to progress with it's ever developing features and functionality.

The community behind it is also extremely helpful and sharing.

Keep up the great work guys and thanks for an awesome, awe-inspiring extension of my third-eye.

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