Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Another day, dreaming about motocross

Well I've had to put a slight hold on the Mustache Monologue's recording sessions. I have to find a suitable area to record and shave at the same time, as my bathroom is too close to my sleeping fiancee for me to be chatting with my ipod at 6:30am. I think I can just shave in my car before I leave for work. This should be much better for the acoustics as well. More from that later this week .

I bought a 1991 Honda XR200 on Saturday, for $900 from a guy in Western MD. It's beautiful, looks like it's only been ridden around someone's property, never seen a trail at all. This will give me something to play with while I wait for a month for my Ducati to get fixed. Ram Cycles in Gaithersburg is doing the the work , the guys there are great. I can't wait to hear and see my new Zard Full Exhaust system either.

Quite a bit more brainstorming for the blog direction, currently I'm trying to incorporate several blogs into a few of the wine sites I've done in the past. After really looking into the blogosphere regarding the wine industry, I see quite a future in conversational marketing with regards to these products. Reading Ross Dawson's blog , lots of great stuff about the future of this medium and it's business applications, well worth a read.


Anonymous said...

My favorite part of this blog... the dissociative personality. From bikes to blogs, you cover it all!

shane michael colella said...

I'm still trying to find my niche, like the inside of my head, it's a little scattered....