Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mustache Monologue 1

This evening I would like to upload the first in a series of installments entitled

"The Mustache Monologues"

Mustache Monologue 1.mp3

In which I share my morning thoughts with you over a shave.

Currently an electric, Norelco Model #5814XL, amidst maintaining a pretty solid mustache and small sliver under the center of my lower lip for over two months now.


Anonymous said...

Ok, um, I love you, so bad, for creating audio mustache monologues. Seriously, you are either incredibly vain or a perfect geneous! (That's probably ironically spelled wrong.)

shane michael colella said...

Now if I can only find a bathroom with better acoustics and no complaining women nearby we will have a new mustache monologue everyday, hooray!